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Complaints, Suggestions and Complements

Oaks Healthcare Ltd takes complaints, suggestions and compliments seriously. We will aim to put things right that have gone wrong and learn lessons to avoid the problem happening again. 


Oaks Healthcare Ltd will comply with legislation, national guidelines, regulations, and best practices when managing complaints and suggestions. A systematic approach will be taken with all aspects of complaints or suggestions. 


Oaks Healthcare Ltd understands its statutory obligations in respect of the duty of candour and will ensure that it follows the agreed policy and procedure. We will ensure that our complaints process is fair and transparent and does not discriminate directly or indirectly in relation to the 9 protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010. 


Please do not hesitate to write to us at if you have a suggestion, compliment or feel dissatisfied with our services or our staff. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint with Oaks Healthcare Ltd, we will signpost you to the right organisation that will further support your needs.  

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